Friday, January 18, 2008

Cherished Moments. . .

Hey Brit and people. . .

I really miss my twin sister ! Its unbelievable. I think about you brit and i cry myself too sleep at night wishing and hoping that moving to England was just a dream , but then when i wake up in the morning we all know its not true. i just wanna thank you for being there for me and i am really happy we became best friends ... and i cherish all the moments we have gone thru even the bad times and i am sorry that we spent most of our time fighting anyhoo lets get away from all the negativity i just wanna say i love you lots my lovie mwa


ok sorry about the whole letter to brittany but these days its the only way i can contact with her because calls from england to S.A is like about 5 pounds a minute and thats about R70

well i gotta go now its already 1 am here :-(

lovies you mwa

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Benny boi!!!

Oh how i miss my baby!!! IT was so hard without him and i cannot believe that i never even got to say goodbye to him, i guess i was just so caught up with being with al my friends. . . . Well now my parents are on the look out for puppies but my mom and i soon realised that we cant get a another Jack russel because then it would be trying to replace Ben or Sarah and that not My intensions!!! Ben will always be the puppy that comes first in my heart!!!! I know that it sounds weired sharing my feelings over a dog but guys as you can see im a DOG LOVER!!!!!! Well now that we changed our minds about not getting a jackie we are now looking at getting a Husky and a teacup Yorkie!!!! Well thtas all for now. . . .

Lovies you!


Monday, January 14, 2008

New Life!!! New School Uniform!!! and it carries on... BLAH BLAH!!!

Hey Lovies...

How yall doing out there??

Well as you all know that I have moved from South Africa to Wales!!!How torturing it was to leave my twin sister(Brittney) there!!I am so glad we have Cellphones and Emails These days and that i dont have to use smoke signals as my mom calls it!! Anyhoo Just a quick Post for tonight but you will be getting more during the week!! Enjoy Work and school!

Lovies you



Monday, January 7, 2008

dear diary . . .

may you keep all my secrets safe and update my friends and family! This is a diary of a 13 year old who has just left South Africa to start a new life in Wales!